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The mission year wrapped up... and  the present


It's been quite some time since I last shared an update on my mission year and what happened after March. Let me take you through the highlights.


During our spring break, my mission friends and I decided to visit Maui. The island was breathtakingly beautiful, and I couldn't help but marvel at God's handiwork in every aspect of nature I encountered. The sunsets were stunning, the deep valleys reminded me of God's unfathomable love, and each element of nature carried a mark of Him.


However, our hiking trip took an unexpected turn. While we were out, my backpack was stolen. It contained some valuable possessions, including an object that had belonged to my late grandmother, my ID, and a polaroid. It was a shocking experience, and I felt violated and hurt. Despite this, I sought to find ways to praise God even in the midst of the turmoil.

I want to be honest and transparent with you all. It was a tough situation to handle, but I did not want to let it spoil my appreciation for God's magnificent creation.


When I lost my items, it caused me so much grief that I couldn't even enjoy the rest of my stay in Maui. I began to question God, wondering why this had happened to me when I was serving Him. However, as I reflected on this experience and the book of Job, I realized that even though Job's situation was much worse, he too had questioned God about suffering. Through his story, I learned that we don't live in a world where righteousness is always rewarded and wickedness is always punished. Instead, we live in a world where the righteous sometimes suffer while the wicked often thrive. This may seem harsh, but the message that I took away from it is that true joy is found not in avoiding suffering, but in enduring it. Perhaps, God needed me to know that for that moment, or even for the future.


 As our time in Hilo drew to a close, the days seemed to pass by in a blur, until it was time to receive our parting gifts and attend the farewell party. It was a beautiful event full of love and appreciation. From the moment I arrived in Hilo, I was enveloped in a sense of love and belonging that has stayed with me ever since. The church, the aunts and uncles, the children, the family - they all helped shape me into the person I am today. The way they showed me God's love has inspired me to spread that love to others. Saying goodbye was difficult, and I didn't expect to have to "heal" from the heartbreak of leaving a mission trip. But even though it was painful, I felt a sense of fulfillment that I had never experienced before. I felt closer to God, and more connected to a community than ever before.

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I long for the days when I was surrounded by my students, and I find myself flipping through photos from my mission trip every single day. The lessons they taught me were invaluable, even as I was teaching them. Witnessing their effortless grace and willingness to forgive was truly humbling. I often heard them proclaim, "Jesus is my best friend!" and it filled me with immense joy. Each time I heard those words, I was reminded to prioritize my own relationship with God and to love others as He does. These children served as a constant source of inspiration, encouraging me to follow in their pure and selfless footsteps.


Dear Anna, Angelika, Lety, and Matthias,

As I reminisce, I am overflowing with gratitude for the privilege of sharing this journey with each and every one of you. Together, we have faced challenges and triumphs, and I am so proud of the incredible individuals you have become.

Watching you all overcome your own personal struggles has been an inspiration to me, and I am in awe of your strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. Because of you all, I have since then been inspired to not look at the flaws, the past mistakes of a person, but to show how that even the broken deserves a love like how Jesus loves us. And I vow to show that through my interactions with other people by forgiveness, grace, compassion and really... just love.

As a group, you are the best people I have ever had the privilege of being surrounded by. Thank you for your unconditional love, for being there for me through thick and thin, for wiping away my tears, and for sharing endless laughter (even when it was at my expense! hahah).

The friendships we have forged will remain etched in my heart forever. Thank you for walking hand in hand with me as we journeyed through life together. Most importantly, thank you for sharing your love for Jesus with me. It has been an honor to serve Him alongside each and every one of you. I love you. 


To my dear Hilo family,

Words cannot express the depth of gratitude I have towards each and every one of you. The spirit of Aloha is strong among you all, but it is the spirit of God that shines so brightly within your hearts.

Before I arrived in Hilo, I was lost and running away from God for nearly a year. But thanks to the unwavering love and support of this incredible community, I spent my mission year running towards Him instead.

I made a promise to myself that day - there will be no more running away from God. From this moment forward, my heart is set on running towards Him with all my being.

Thank you, Hilo family, for being the light that guided me back to God. You will forever hold a special place in my heart. I love you. 


The Present 


As some of you may know, I recently returned to Southern Adventist University to finish my senior year with the aim of graduating in May and pursuing my dreams of becoming a speech pathologist. While this decision was not an easy one, I was determined to take on this challenge and give it my all.


However, the transition back to university life proved to be more difficult than I anticipated. While I was away, I knew that my relationships with my peers would change, and I was prepared for some academic struggles after taking a year off. What I did not expect was the emotional toll it would take on me, as I found myself struggling to find my place socially.


For the first two months of school, I cried over the changes and the loss of the friendships I once held dear. But through it all, I held onto my faith and trusted in God's plan for my life. And true to His promise, He brought new friendships into my life that I never could have imagined.


I am grateful beyond words for these new friends who have filled my life with love, laughter, and joy. They have shown me the true meaning of community and have reminded me that no matter where I go, I am never alone.


As I continue on this journey, I am filled with hope and excitement for what the future holds. I know that the road ahead may be filled with challenges, but I am confident that with God's grace and the support of my amazing friends and family, I can overcome anything that comes my way. Thank you for your unwavering love and support. I am forever grateful for each and every one of you.

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Currently, I have found myself asking questions and seeking answers once again. I am humbled to say that I find myself on my knees before Jesus, seeking His guidance and wisdom as I navigate this journey called life.


While this road may be filled with twists and turns, and the answers may not always be clear, I take comfort in knowing that I am exactly where I am meant to be. For it is in these moments of seeking that I find myself drawing ever closer to Jesus, and that is where I truly want to be.


I am reminded that the journey of faith is not a linear path, but rather a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. And through it all, I am reminded that meeting Jesus again and again is the most beautiful place to be.


So I embrace this season of questions and uncertainty, knowing that it is through these moments that I will find the strength and clarity to move forward. And I am grateful for each and every one of you who have walked beside me on this journey, offering your love and support every step of the way.


May we all continue to seek Jesus with all our hearts, for it is in His loving embrace that we will find the answers we seek.

With love and gratitude,

[Kamea <3]

What's next?

In this moment, I find myself humbled and overwhelmed by the power of prayer. Through my prayers, I have experienced a transformative shift that is changing my life in ways I never thought possible. It is a scary and uncertain path, but one that I am learning to trust with every passing day.


As one door closes, I am filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. I am burning with a passion for missions, for reaching out to those in need, and for serving others with all my heart. The yearning within me is growing stronger with each passing day, and I am eager to explore where this path will take me.


I am searching with an open heart and a willing spirit, trusting that God will guide me to where I am called to be. Perhaps, soon, I will embark on another mission trip that will take me even closer to fulfilling my purpose and calling.

Through it all, I hold onto the faith that every step I take is leading me to a deeper connection with my spiritual self and a greater understanding of God's plan for my life.

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